On September 29, 2016, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced final approval of a revised Employer Information Report, known as the EEO-1, to collect summary pay data from employers, including federal contractors and subcontractors, with 100 or more employees, starting with the 2017 report. The revised EEO-1 report has two new elements:
Employers will have from September 30, 2016 (the 2016 report deadline) to March 31, 2018 (the 2017 report deadline) to change their reporting format.
Federal contractors and subcontractors with 50-99 employees will not report summary pay data, but will continue to report employees by job category as well as by sex, ethnicity, and race as they do now. Employers with 99 or fewer employees and federal contractors and subcontractors with 49 or fewer employees will not be required to complete the EEO-1, as is current practice.
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